
Sonntag, November 26, 2006

Whose Reincarnation (Gilgul) am I ?


Jews do believe in reincarnations (Gilgulim), and there is plenty of kabbalistic literature on this subject. The most famous kabbalist, the Arizal, said that Jews go through different reincarnations (Gilgulim).

Today, there is a great curiousity, and people would like to know their former reincarnations. Most rabbis agree that only until the time of the Arizal himself or maybe until the Ramchal, there was something like telling people their Gilgul. Today we are not on such a high level any more.

Once I went to a class where the Breslover Chassid, Rabbi Peretz Auerbach, was teaching. He is a well - known Breslov rabbi among the Americans in Jerusalem.
However, I asked Rabbi Peretz if it would not be better when we knew our former Gilgul. Then it would be much easier for us to do a Tikun (rectification).
His answer was: Look at your weaknesses and then you know what you have to rectify. Therefore, it is not necessary knowing your Gilgul.


Arizal: Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, born 1534 in Jerusalem, died 1572 in Safed (northern Israel). The most famous Kabbalist.

Ramchal: Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, born 1707 in Padua / Italy, died 1746 in Israel. He is buried in Tiberias, right next to Rabbi Akiva. Famous Jewish kabbalist and philosopher.

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