
Freitag, Dezember 29, 2006

King David is in Jeopardy !


This article was written by Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of Students, Diaspora Yeshiva, Jerusalem

As you may have read, the Vatican and other Christian organizations are scheming and plotting to take control of King David's Tomb. Their goal to push us out of King David's Tomb and off Mount Zion, G-d forbid. Why the sudden interest in our Yeshiva on Mount Zion ? According to Vatican sources, Pope Benedict believes that if the Catholic Church celebrates Mass on Mount Zion, this will bring the second coming of J.C. They are now performing religious services on top of King David's Tomb, thus violating the status quo. Therefore, the Vatican through various Christian organizations are harassing and pressuring Diaspora Yeshiva to vacate Mount Zion.
Hence, to thwart their evil plans, we are constructing a Synagogue and Study Hall adjacent to King David's Tomb, where we will maintain a 24 hours presence, thereby showing our determination not to abandon King David's Tomb as we abandoned Joseph's Tomb in Shechem.
Diaspora yeshiva is the first and oldest Baal Teshuva (for newly religious people) Yeshiva in Israel. The Yeshiva was established on Mount Zion right after the June 1967, Six Day War in a former army base. Our students flock to us from all over the world. Many of them can't afford any tuition at all, yet we are extremely reluctant to turn anyone away due to lack of funds. Rashi in Parashat VeZot HaBracha informs us that the one who supports Torah Study in Israel has an even greater reward than the Torah Scholar himself. Our ability to educate the thousands of students that have studied on Mount Zion was only possible through the graciousness and generosity of the Jewish people in Israel and the Diaspora. Diaspora Yeshiva is fulfilling, the ancient prophecy of Jeremiah, "Again there shall be heard in the cities of Judah the voice of gladness and joy." We are also literally living the prophecy of Isaiah, "From Mount Zion shall go forth the Torah."

2 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym6:52 PM

    Dear Miriam!

    I don't really understand the meaning of this post. Does Rabbi Sprecher seriously think that "Pope Benedict believes that if the Catholic Church celebrates Mass on Mount Zion, this will bring the second coming of J.C."?

    To me, this sounds like another conspiracy theory.

    Anyway, as a (protestant) Christian I believe that we have no influence on Christ's second coming, as is written in the gospel of Matthew, 24:44, "the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

  2. B"H

    Rabbi Sprecher is a well known rabbi among the American Jewish community in Jerusalem.
    However, there have been certain rumours for a long time that the church is trying to take over Mount Zion. It is not the first time he and other people write against hostile attempts.
    About Gospels and the meaning of the pope I don't know anything and I am not interested.

