
Montag, April 14, 2008



Die Frage um die angeblichen "unkoscheren" Emunah Mazzot Hebron hat sich aufgeklärt. Rabbi Dov Lior stellte tatsächlich das Hechscher (Koscherzertifikat) aus und ein Missverständnis wurde aufgeklärt.

Ein Leser berichtet:

"Upon further investigation, I was provided with two new letters from HaRav Lior that they are indeed under his hashgacha. I also confirmed with Mrs. Ateret Levinger (daughter in law of HaRav Moshe Levinger shlit"a) that he indeed wrote and signed these letters. I also asked HaRav Shlomo Aviner shlit"a who told me that: אם הרב ליאור שוב אישר ,אפשר לסמוך עליו לגמרי"

"UPDATE regarding Emunah Matzot
The Chief Rabbinate has published a letter from HaRav Dov Lior Shlita, Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba regarding an earlier report pertaining to Emunah Chevron Matzot.

Following a further in-depth investigation, a misunderstanding has
been discovered and the kashrut supervision has been restored. One may eat the matzot will realizing the kashrut supervision is one of
"hidur", Rav Lior reports.

One may purchase the matzot with a without any concern.
The letter is signed by Rav Lior, as well as Rav Yaakov Sabag and Rav Rafi Yonai of the Chief Rabbinate. "

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