
Montag, Mai 04, 2009

Halacha: Juden und das Neue Testament


Unsere Halacha besagt, dass wenn ein christlicher Missionar einem Juden ein Neues Testament überreicht, dieses entsorgt werden muss. Entweder anhand der Mülltonne oder durch Verbrennen.

Quelle: Jewish Israel (Verbrennung des "Brit HaChadash - NT")

It is an open halacha that a sefer
torah written by a min [early Xian] must be burned (despite the shemot (Namen) that it contains, since they refer tothe Xian god, not ours). Presumably this applies with even greaterforce to books whose *content* is

.... I have never before now heard of any genuine Jewish teacher or any frum Jew object to bookburning. I have always assumed that the horror ofbookburning was a peculiarity of secular people, who have made areligion out of books, instead of their contents. When I was in Yeshivaand someone found a `brit hachadasha' (New Testament) in a box of booksthat was donated to the library, he held a little bonfire, and AFAIK neither the rosh yeshiva (Yeshivaleiter) nor the mashgiach (Koscherexperte) had a thing to say about it.It was taken as a matter of course that this was the right thing to do.


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