
Donnerstag, November 08, 2012

Vortrag zum Gedenken an die Reichskristallnacht

On the 5th of November 2012 the Jewish Heritage Center at the Lauder Business School invited Dr. Alen Rosen to speak about "Kristallnacht", the "Night of Broken Glass", in the Ohel Avraham Synagogue in Vienna, Austria. 

After introducing the historical background of this shocking event, Dr. Rosen moved on to speak about the significance attributed to the Jewish and the Gregorian dates of this tragedy (15th of MarCheshvan/9th and 10th of November). 

In conclusion he opened the floor for questions from the students which led to discussions about our present day situation, how to deal with Shoah education and many more interesting topics. 

The students of Lauder Business School would like to thank Dr. Rosen again for joining us and sharing his thoughts and feelings with us.

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