Der neue Chabad Schaliach, Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg, plant neue Shiurim zum Thema Chassidut:
"The ABC's of Chassidut", where we will explore the background, as well as the soul of the inner dimension of the Torah and Judaism. The class will be held on the 3rd floor of "Yad Tamar" Synagogue, 5 Ha'Ari Street, and will be held from 19:30 - 20:30.
Also, Next Monday, 25.10.10, we will have our first monthly Farbrengen, chassidic gathering. This month it will be held at the home Jay and Miriam Sugarman, 5 Abarbanel. Everyone is invited, and the event is free of charge. It will begin at 19:30. This will be instead of the regular women's class.
Sämtliche Vorträge werden in englischer Sprache stattfinden und sind für Juden gedacht, da Chabad keinen interreligiösen Dialog führt !
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